Friday, December 17, 2010

Is This Speech Going To Be Long?

One day at school ( I don't know which day ) my class wrote SPEECHES!!!
It took me a while to write my speech.
I think my speech was the funniest cause I got more laughs than anyone else.
My speech was called: Do Aliens Exist?
Here's a sneak peek at my speech...

Ladies and gentle men I will now say a... AHHH! its an alien! were all gonna die! uhhh! is he gone? phew! Okay where was I oh yeah! have you ever wondered if aliens really exist? well I'm here to answer that mystery with my personal guide to aliens!

I think aliens are real because there have been a lot of UFO sightings, for example: in 1952 people saw 6 glowing objects hovering around the light house.

The most commonly known alien is the Gray alien it has big black eyes, no ears, grey or pink skin, arms legs and a humanoid body.
There is another alien called Reptilian or a Reptiod.
A Reptiod has huge cat like eyes, three fingers and a thumb, forked tongue and a scaly body.
Did you know that there's an alien that actually lives here on earth.
Its name is Chupacubra, Chupacubra stands for goat-sucker because it sucks up every last drop of blood from its victims.
The Chupacubra has red eyes that are as big as a hens egg it has bare grey or blue skin, big spikes and it has long legs for bounding 20 metres at a stride.

There are a lot of different kinds of UFOs there's one that looks like 2 plates stuck together.
Theres even one that looks like a house hold steam iron.

On January the 7th 1948 Mantell and 2 other set off in P-51 Mustangs to investigate a huge object.
Thomas Mantell reported that it appeared to be metallic.
The other 2 gave up the chase but Mantell decided to to follow it up.
He tried to reach 9,000 meters but radio contact was lost.
Later that day Mantells air craft was found completely destroyed 135 km away.
The press described Mantell as the first UFO victim.

So now that I've told you about the presence of aliens and UFOs, have you changed you're mind?

I hoped you liked my speech because that was my last! =(      

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Leaping Narratives, What's That? N #2

Name: Boone Dixon                                                   
Age: 12                                                                                                                                                
Gender: Boy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Height: 5 ft                                                                
Weight: 26 kg
Body Type: Kinda skinny                                     
Personality: Energetic  
Hair: Short, Black
Eye: Dark brown 
Clothes: Short sleeve t-shirt, Shorts
Secret: Snake teeth

Name: Carly Beth
Age: 12
Gender: Girl
Height: 4 ft 9
Weight: 32 kg
Body Type: Kinda skinny and athletic
Personality: Very brave 
Hair: Long black hair
Eye: Hazel
Clothes: short sleeve t-shirt, jeans

This is the story I wrote...

"Next up to tell there speech is... Josh!" BEEP!!!! " Okay class after lunch when Josh finishes his speech it's Bridget then Carly and then Boone." As you can see my name is Boone Dixon. I'm 12 years old, I'm kinda skinny and I'm super restless like every 3 seconds when I'm sitting I always have to fidget. I'm in room11 with Miss Riptide.

BEEP! "oh-no! what happens if they find out?" "I dunno" said Carly Beth. Carly Beth is not a girly girl she always wears jeans and a short sleeve t-shirt. She kinda skinny like but she also got an athletic body, long black hair and hazel eyes. Carly is very brave, were both 12 and she is the only one who knows my secret. Josh's speech was about how wars start. Josh's speech took 2 mins and Bridget's took 2 mins as well. After Bridget finished Carly nervously walked to the front of the class. Her speech was funny and weird at the same time because her speech was called do aliens exist. Sadly her speech was 2 mins and 59 sec so she didn't make it. I was up next and once I got up felt everyone staring into me like a thousand bees stinging me and  I could feel that I was beginning to get butterflies in my stomach. After what felt like hours Miss Riptide told me to start. My speech is about how dangerous are snakes? once I got to my 3rd que card I heard someone gasp! but before he could say anything Carly Beth punched him right in the face. As soon as she did his friend had a go at Carly and he punched her in the the chest but Carly only giggled I guess she hardly felt it. But another person cried out "HES GOT FANGS!!!" then the whole room erupted into gasp's then Carly started a big fight to save me from shame but it was to late then someone had a go at me I ducked just in time and he slammed his hand on the black board and screamed in pain. After an hour or so the class calmed down but I was still exhausted because now everyone knows my biggest secret that not even my mum knew or even my dad didn't know!