Friday, September 10, 2010

Super Secret Stuff

On Tuesday the 7th of September I went to a place called Secrets and Lies (duh duh duh). Ken Ring taught us that in order  for Antarctica and the Arctic to melt it has to be 90 degrees the closest  is only 47 degrees and thats in Death Valley in Mexico, so only scorpions can live there . It's also possibile to predict earth quakes.
After morning tea, Ken taught us that fourtune telling is simple trickery and they only do it for the money.
You can read people's personality just by looking at there right hand palms you can also tell cat personality's just by looking at the cats fur, because if the cats fur colour is dark that means it's a very good hunter.  If you read the book Pawmistry it'll tell you more about cats. 
He also he told us if you tie a piece of bark to a string and hold it straight out in front of you and think of a circle it'll spin in a circle. 
Once we got back from lunch, Ken taught us trickery games. 
Man I really wish that I could go back.

1 comment:

7teen Crew said...

Daniel it so amazing that you can read someones fourtune?

Super Hero Dylan OUT!