Wednesday, November 10, 2010

YIPPE!!! I'm Doing Random Writing! [4]

Last time on MONSTER BLOOD!

"Ouch!" as my head burst out of the roof and debris started falling all around me BOOM! my whole house just crumbled beneath me. As I looked up to find Kitty but all I could see was... "OH-NO!"

As far as my eyes could see was debris, debris and more debris had I been to late? I looked all around me then I finally saw Kitty tearing Toy world apart "noooooooo!" I yelled, that got me real angry "ROAR!" I burst out of the ruble. Boom! the whole earth shook as I takled Kitty to the ground I stood up and waited for Kitty to pounce on me but no he was knocked out cold this is my chance I thought so I took a few steps back and jumped on to his stomach. I heard a vomiting sound coming from Kitty and saw a little grey speck flying up. "Yes it worked!" but then a horrible thought came in my head how do I change back. "Maybe if I punch myself it'll come out" so I raised my fist and with all my might I punched myself in the stomach "yes!" when I punched my self I saw a little grey thing flying out of my stomach. Suddenly I began to feel dizzy then I looked down to the ground I saw it coming up to meet me. A few seconds later I was back to normal. 
"Phew! I'm never going to do that again!"  

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